St. Clair West Services for Seniors is committed to providing high-quality programs and services and we appreciate receiving feedback about the work we do. Feedback can be provided by anyone including Clients, Caregivers, professionals and the general public. Feedback includes complaints, concerns, suggestions and compliments about a service, program or policy. If a Client/Substitute Decision Maker is dissatisfied with a decision about service eligibility or service levels he/she has the right to appeal a decision through the agency's Appeal Process and may subsequently appeal to the Health Service Appeal and Review Board as set out in the Long Term Care Act, 1994 s. 39 and 40 Complaints and Appeals.

Our Feedback Process is confidential and accessible. All feedback is recorded and reviewed to identify trends and areas in need of improvement and to inform service planning. The results of the annual Feedback Analysis are publicized in the agency newsletter, In Touch, and on our website.

Feedback can be provided in the following ways:

Telephone : 416-787-2114 (our receptionist will direct the call to the appropriate person)

Feedback Line : 416-787-2114 x 365

In Person : At our office (address below) or to a trusted staff member

In Writing :

St. Clair West Services for Seniors

Assistant Executive Director

2562 Eglinton Avenue West, Suite 202,

Toronto ON M6M 1T4