About Us Our 5 Aims for 2012/13

PostHeaderIcon Our 5 Aims for 2012/13

Every year, all departments of St. Clair West Services for Seniors prepare a service plan to identify goals and outcomes, which we believe will strengthen and enhance our programs and services in the community.  For 2012/13 there are Five Major Aims.  By communicating these Aims to our community, clients, participants, funders, donors and all staff, the Agency is being focused, accountable, results-driven, and transparent.

Our Five Aims for 2012/13 are to:

1. Provide services which assist local hospitals in dealing with the Alternate Levels of Care issue by preventing unnecessary, unscheduled hospitalization, and by assisting clients to transition from hospital to home as quickly and safely as possible. Individuals who are occupying acute care beds and who would be more appropriately cared for in another setting including home, a rehabilitation hospital or long-term care residence are designated as those needing Alternate Levels of Care (Central LHIN, 2010).

2. Assist clients and participants with Chronic Disease Management, particularly diabetes and heart disease. The incidence of chronic disease, particularly diabetes and heart disease, is high in our community.

3. Ensure health equity as it relates to our services. Health equity is defined by the LHIN (Local Health Integration Network) as a "strategy that aims to reduce disparities in health among diverse population groups."

4. Put processes and procedures in place to ensure the delivery of quality supports in the community. St. Clair West Services for Seniors is interested in seeking accreditation.  Accreditation can be defined as a process where an independent accrediting body evaluates an organization to determine if it meets defined requirements.  Gaining accreditation is contingent on having quality standards in place for our business practices, services processes, and programs and services.

5. Use community engagement as a tool of community and organization development. The purpose of community engagement is to inform, educate, consult, involve, and empower our clients, caregivers and members in planning and improving our programs and services (Central LHIN, 2011).

These Five Aims and our service plans are guiding our work at all levels of the organization, from Board Level to Front-Line staff, including students, volunteers, clients and participants.  In July of 2013, we will report back to the community by providing an update, which summarizes our Aim accomplishments and service plan deliverables.

2011/12 Update

Want to know more? Call 416-787-2114 or click here to contact us.