Photo Album All-Staff Meeting June 27 2014

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On June 27, our All-Staff meeting got rolling with an ice breaker complete with a SCWSS ball toss. After the staff caught their breath, they learned more about the agency’s strategies for continuous quality improvement arising from our first Accreditation survey.

Staff participated in sessions about topics such as accessibility, emergency preparedness and privacy and security. Before lunch, SCWSS staff were acknowledged with Long Service Employee Awards and the group saw the first screening of our new agency video. The 2014-2017 Strategic Plan was introduced and then SCWSS got busy as only SCWSS staff can—with Spirit!  After preparing their presentations and enjoying some ice cream from the SCWSS ice cream trolley, staff delivered their Spirit Presentations, a wonderful opportunity for each department to demonstrate their spirit and client centredness.

Want to know more? Call 416-787-2114 or e-mail [email protected] to contact us.
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