Services/Payment Transportation Service

PostHeaderIcon Transportation

Our Transportation Service provides personalized door-to-door assisted rides to frail seniors and adults with disabilities who are unable to use public transportation. transportation

We provide rides to and from:

  • Medical appointments
  • Grocery shopping
  • Day programs
  • Social outings
  • Banks/Hairdressing

Rides are provided Monday to Friday from 8 am  to 5 pm.

There is a nominal fee for service based on the distance from residence to destination.

We also provide Group Shopping trips from specific apartment buildings within our service boundaries to various shopping malls including Dufferin Mall and Cloverdale Mall.

Escort assistance is available for frail seniors who need more help.  This service is provided for an hourly fee.

torontoride Reconnect is a member of Toronto Ride . Launched in 1998, Toronto Ride is a collaborative partnership of fourteen not-for-profit, community support service agencies that provides door-to-door, assisted transportation to seniors 55+ and adults with disabilities who are not eligible for Wheel-Trans. Its transportation services help clients live independently by offering equitable access to health care, Adult Day Programs, and appointments and activities in the Toronto-area.  Sometimes a transportation ride will be provided by one of the partners of Toronto Ride, instead of Reconnect .

Want to know more? Call 416-787-2114 or e-mail [email protected] to contact us.
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