Services/Payment Eglinton Hill Centre EHC Testimonials

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Meet JAIRO, ZUNILDA, JOSE, JOSE and MARIA.  They are just some of the seniors who attend our volunteer-led English conversation circles.  Zunilda and Jairo, who have only recently moved to Canada, said when coming to Eglinton Hill Centre, "We feel at home.  It feels like a family."  Maria stated, "It is meeting my needs.  I want to learn."   When asked how they feel when they come to Eglinton Hill Centre they all replied, "happy, happy, happy."

THERESA has enjoyed everything the centre has had to offer so far from exercise to computer classes, singing group, and the sewing club.  "I would like others to make use of all that the centre has to offer.  Participating keeps me fit, body and mind", says Theresa.

Want to know more? Call 416-787-2114 or e-mail [email protected] to contact us.
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